Seeking truth 心的挣扎 (37)人类的官能
The Senses of Human Beings

但 自 在 脱 就 却 不 这 已 浪 
是 由 蓝 了 像 无 愿 是 不 迹
无 一 蓝 线 一 处 归 一 属 天
目 一 的 的 支 归 还 群 于 涯
的 一 天 风 支 宿 一 忘 中 的
地 一 上 筝 一 的 一 却 国 中
飞 一 一 一 一 群 一 来 一 国
翔 一 一 一 一 体 一 处 一 人
不归人 (A person who will not return)












Where are King Huang Di and scholar Kong Zi?
How do we know that we are not in the dream?

Who gave us the sensory world?

Who gave us our eyes and the images in the bright world?

Who gave us the beautiful and ugly feelings connecting to the images?

Are these feelings real? Or perhaps it is just a feeling.
Is the image in the eyes of animals the same in people's eyes? Or maybe it is just some fuzzy points of light?

If the resolution of the human eye became higher, then, would the world become more beautiful? Then, would the arts of paintings and photography about the world become completely different?

Who give us the audio world?

Why this audio world impacted by movements and languages that related to audios can express people's thoughts?

Can the languages be consistent with thought? Or is this just a tool for describing thoughts?

Why can the world consist of audios give us the aesthetic feeling? Are those attractive melodies a kind of fluctuating unconscious narcissism under the combination of the body and soul?

We may never know the answers. But we live in the world of vision, audio and language all the time, under the effect combined by all these, we feel happy, angry and sad, if we know nothing about them, even though we are honored with a title as musical master, a language master and aesthetic master, can we still feel the ease?

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